
At Austin’s Wildlife Removal Services, we know Central Texas and we know the critters that invade homes. We specialize in poison free rodent and wildlife removal and exclusion work for residential homes. AWRS also offers a variety of animal removal services to remove the nuisance animals from around the home as well, such as armadillos, opossums, raccoons and skunks

Ringtail Cat
Rats & Mice

Ringtail Cat

About Ringtail Cat

The name ringtail cat is deceptive, even though it has rings on its tail, it isn’t in the cat family. The ringtail cat is related to the raccoon family and referred to as “ringtail”. This elusive, nocturnal animal has adapted to urban living and has become a frequent visitor in residential attics.

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All animal exclusion work is completed in a craftsman-like manner using the highest quality materials. AWRS also specializes in wildlife exclusions for homes with tile roofs and offers a guarantee on all work.

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Rats & Mice

About Rats & Mice

Roof rats cause millions of dollars of damage each year, from contamination of food products, spreading diseases, structural and automotive damage caused by their continual gnawing activities.

The roof rat is the smallest, of two non-native rodents, sharing our urban environment today. The roof rat is extremely compatible with human behavior and needs, resulting in them living in close proximity to man, by harboring in the landscape, under a deck or in the attic of a home. The omnivorous roof rat will feed on vegetable matter, including buds, seeds of ornamental plants, backyard fruit trees, bird feeders, pet food and compost bins.

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All animal exclusion work is completed in a craftsman-like manner using the highest quality materials. AWRS also specializes in wildlife exclusions for homes with tile roofs and offers a guarantee on all work.

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About Skunks

The striped skunk is the most abundant of five species in Texas and often causes hysteria among some people with a mere sighting.

They are rather slow-moving and deliberate, and have great confidence in defending themselves. Skunks typically will avoid human activity when given the chance, but usually as a last resort the skunk will release highly odorous oil based secretion to repel any conceived threat.

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All animal exclusion work is completed in a craftsman-like manner using the highest quality materials. AWRS also specializes in wildlife exclusions for homes with tile roofs and offers a guarantee on all work.

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About Raccoons

Raccoons have adapted to urban sprawl, from rural settings to the metropolitan landscape.
The raccoon’s omnivorous and voracious appetite, relatively high reproduction rate, together with significant strength, results in this mammal becoming a common menace to homeowners.

Raccoons gain access to the crawlspace of homes by various means; burrowing under the crawlspace walls, missing walls, walls in disrepair, damaged or weak crawlspace vents, and missing or non latching crawl space doors. Raccoons can damage air conditioner ducts as well pulling down floor insulation, an often nesting under bathtubs.

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All animal exclusion work is completed in a craftsman-like manner using the highest quality materials. AWRS also specializes in wildlife exclusions for homes with tile roofs and offers a guarantee on all work.

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About Opossums

The opossum although looks like a big rat, is related to the kangaroo and is the only marsupial in North America.
The opossum has inhabited the earth for 60 million years, back in the time of the dinosaurs, One reason, for their continued survival is their ability to eat almost anything. The opossum is Mother Nature’s mobile garbage disposal and the longest surviving mammal on earth.

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All animal exclusion work is completed in a craftsman-like manner using the highest quality materials. AWRS also specializes in wildlife exclusions for homes with tile roofs and offers a guarantee on all work.

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About Squirrels

The Fox squirrel is the largest species of tree squirrels and the resident squirrel of central Texas. Most of these socially accepted day time rats owe their existence to humans.

We supply their necessities of life: food and shelter, allowing them to prosper from the urban setting. Even its comical attempts at accessing bird feeders, high reproduction rate, and aggressive determination to utilize attics for nesting makes the Fox squirrel a very common wildlife conflict for homeowners.

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All animal exclusion work is completed in a craftsman-like manner using the highest quality materials. AWRS also specializes in wildlife exclusions for homes with tile roofs and offers a guarantee on all work.

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About Armadillos

The armadillo is considered a nuisance animal because of it’s characteristic burrowing and digging, which is detrimental to man  y areas of your property.

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All animal exclusion work is completed in a craftsman-like manner using the highest quality materials. AWRS also specializes in wildlife exclusions for homes with tile roofs and offers a guarantee on all work.

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